Chrome Steelhead! Not on the road system.
A wet and soggy week around Juneau has the streams flowing at bank full levels. And with our thin snow pack that is a good thing. Steelhead love nothing more than a good push of water to entice them to come into the creeks and get down to business. And while we have not heard of lots of steelhead being caught on the Juneau road system, they are showing up in solid numbers on creeks all over S.E. If you have an opportunity to get out and chase them, this next week should be prime. The weather forecast for the next week is looking much drier and creeks on the drop are every steelheader's dream. Stop by the shop or contact us if you have questions about flies, beads or tackle that are working for steelhead.
The creeks are flowing bank full. Photo taken May 9.
Dolly fishing is due to go off any day now. Around the shop we always figure Mother's Day Weekend is the kick off for really productive Dolly fishing. The waters are warming, the Dollies have bailed out of the lakes in substantial numbers, and fry are everywhere. You still have to hunt to find where they are, but when you do chances are much better that you'll find more than one. Try Sheep Creek, Salmon Creek, the mouth of Fish Creek, and Auke Bay. Remember Peterson Creek, the Salt Chuck and the saltwater out front are all closed to fishing.
Dolly Varden or Bull Trout? Photo by Marc Heifetz, ADF&G